Duke User Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction ➥
Features ➥
1. Add a Task to your Task List ➥
a. Add a To Do task to your Task List ➥
b. Add a Deadline task to your Task List ➥
c. Add an Event task to your Task List ➥
2. Mark a Task as Done ➥
3. View all your Tasks ➥
4. Delete a Task from your Task List ➥
5. Filter Tasks from your Task List ➥
a. Filter tasks from your Task List by a Specified Keyword ➥
b. Filter tasks from your Task List by a Specified Time Period ➥
Miscellaneous Information ➥
• Help ➥
• Exiting the LumiChat Program ➥
• Loading and Saving ➥
• Date Time Formats ➥
◦ Date Formats ➥
◦ Time Formats ➥
◦ Time Specifier Formats ➥
This Duke program is a Chat Box program named LumiChat that manages a list of user-created tasks.
You will be interacting with the application via the command line with a virtual character called Lumi. Through the LumiChat program, you will be able to perform various operations to manage your tasks like adding, deleting and viewing tasks in a Task List.
There are 3 different types of tasks in the LumiChat program.
Types of tasks
Task Type | Description |
To Do | A task that the you want to do with no date time restrictions. |
Deadline | A task that you want to do by a certain date time |
Event | A task that you want to do at a certain date time |
This should cover most of the common task types in a normal daily life.
I hope that you will enjoy the use of the LumiChat program. Have fun!!
1. Add a Task to your Task List
Add a task to your Task List. You may add the 3 different types of tasks available.
A newly-added task will always be marked as not done
a. todo
– Add a To Do task to your Task List
Adds a To Do task to your Task List.
todo <task description>
task description
– The description of the To Do task
Example Usage
todo watch anime
Expected Outcome
ʘᗜʘ Alright, Lumi has added: watch anime!
[T][✘] watch anime
You now have 1 task in Lumi's list!
Note: A To Do task is represented by the letter 'T'.
b. deadline
– Add a Deadline task to your Task List
Adds a Deadline task to your Task List.
The date time provided consists of an optional date and a time. If the date is omitted, the LumiChat program will automatically assume it to be the current date.
deadline <task description> /by <date> <time>
task description
– The description of the Deadline taskdate
– The date of the deadlinetime
– The time of the dateline
Note: The
provided must adhere to the set of accepted Date Time formats.
Example Usage
deadline complete math assignment /by 12/6 8am
Expected Outcome
ʘᗜʘ Alright, Lumi has added: complete math assignment!
[D][✘] complete math assignment (by: 12/06/2020 08:00AM)
You now have 2 tasks in Lumi's list!
Note: A Deadline task is represented by the letter 'D'.
c. event
– Add an Event task to your Task List
Adds an Event task to your Task List.
The date time provided consists of an optional date and a time. If the date is omitted, the LumiChat program will automatically assume it to be the current date.
event <task description> /at <date> <time>
task description
– The description of the Event taskdate
– The date of the eventtime
– The time of the event
Note: The
provided must adhere to the set of accepted Date Time formats.
Example Usage
event meet up with friends for lunch /at tmr 1230
Expected Outcome
ʘᗜʘ Alright, Lumi has added: meet up with friends for lunch!
[E][✘] meet up with friends for lunch (at: tomorrow 12:30PM)
You now have 3 tasks in Lumi's list!
Note: An Event task is represented by the letter 'E'.
2. Mark a Task as Done
Marks a previously undone task as done.
– Mark a task as done
Marks a specified task as done.
Note: If you try to mark an already done task as done, you will receive a warning message from Lumi.
done <list number>
list number
– The list number of the task to be marked as doneYou may find the list number of the task by viewing the list.
Example Usage
done 2
Expected Outcome
Task was previously undone
ʘᗜʘ Well done! Lumi marks this task as completed!
[D][✓] complete math assignment (by: 12/06/2020 08:00AM)
Task is already done
ಠ~ಠ Hey!! Lumi already marked <complete math assignment> as completed!
3. View all your Tasks
View all the tasks that you have currently in the Task List.
– View all your tasks as a list
Views all the tasks that you have currently in the Task List as a list. The total number of tasks will be shown at the bottom of the list.
Note: The list is arranged according to the order in which you have added your tasks.
Example Usage
Expected Outcome
ʘᗜʘ Sure! Lumi prints your list!
+---| L I S T |---------------------------------------------------------------+
1. [T][✘] watch anime
2. [D][✓] complete math assignment (by: 12/06/2020 08:00AM)
3. [E][✘] meet up with friends for lunch (at: tomorrow 12:30PM)
Total: 3 tasks
Note: The numbers to the left of each task is referred to as the task’s list number.
4. Delete a Task from your Task List
Delete a task from your Task List.
– Delete a task from your Task List
Deletes a specified task from your Task List. To avoid accidental deletion of tasks, you will receive an additional prompt to confirm your deletion.
delete <list number>
list number
– The list number of the task to be deletedYou may find the list number of the task by viewing the list.
Example Usage
delete 1
Expected Outcome
Delete Confirmation Prompt
ʘoʘ? Umm... Lumi needs you to confirm to delete this task:
[T][✘] watch anime
Confirmed Deletion
ʘᗜʘ Bleep, Lumi says bye-bye to:
[T][✘] watch anime
You now have 2 tasks in Lumi's list!
Note: Enter
to confirm deletion.
Aborted Deletion
ʘᗜʘ OK, Lumi continues without deleting!
Note: Enter
to abort deletion.
5. Filter Tasks from your Task List
Filter tasks from your Task List either by a specified keyword, or by a specified time period.
a. find
– Filter tasks from your Task List by a Specified Keyword
Filters tasks from your Task List that contains a specified keyword.
The keyword can contain multiple words and need not be complete words. The Task List is then filtered for tasks which task description matches the keyword. Filtering is done in a non-case-sensitive manner.
All matched tasks will be shown as a Search List. The total number of tasks will be shown at the bottom of the list.
Note: The list is arranged according to the order in which you have added your tasks.
find <keyword>
– The keyword to be used to filter the Task List
Example Usage
Expected Outcome
Successful Search
ʘᗜʘ Sure! Lumi searches your list...
+---| S E A R C H L I S T |-------------------------------------------------+
1. [D][✓] complete math assignment (by: 12/06/2020 08:00AM)
4. [D][✘] do Computing Assignments (by: 02/03/2020 11:59PM)
5. [E][✘] Group project assignment meeting (at: 05/03/2020 02:00PM)
Search Total: 3 tasks
No Search Results
ʘᗜʘ Sure! Lumi searches your list...
ʘoʘ? Huh? Lumi is not able to find anything...
Note: This may occur due to a mistype in the keyword. To confirm that no such tasks with the specified keyword exists, you may want to view all your tasks to check.
b. due
– Filter tasks from your Task List by a Specified Time Period
Filters tasks from your Task List according to a specified time period.
A time period is defined by an optional time specifier (e.g. on, before, after) and a date. If the time specifier is left out, the time period is set to be on the date itself.
The Task List is then filtered for Deadline and Event tasks which date time information matches the specified time period.
All matched tasks will be shown as a Search List. The total number of tasks will be shown at the bottom of the list.
Note: The list is arranged according to the order in which you have added your tasks.
due <time specifier> <date>
time specifier
– The optional time specifier to define the time period to filter the Task Listdate
– The date to define the time period to filter the Task List
Note: The
time specifier
provided must adhere to the set of accepted Date Time formats.
Example Usage
With time specifier
due after tmr
Without time specifier
due today
Expected Outcome
ʘᗜʘ Sure! Lumi searches your list...
+---| S E A R C H L I S T |-------------------------------------------------+
1. [D][✓] complete math assignment (by: 12/06/2020 08:00AM)
5. [E][✘] Group project assignment meeting (at: 05/03/2020 02:00PM)
6. [E][✘] attend party (at: 12/04/2020 04:00PM)
Search Total: 3 tasks
Miscellaneous Information
In the event that you ever forget the usage of a command, you can look it up within the LumiChat program itself. All you need to do is to enter the keyword help
, followed by the command you wish to query.
Below is the exhaustive list of words recognised by the program for you to query:
, todo
, deadline
, event
, done
, list
, delete
, find
, due
, bye
or exit
, datetime
, date
, time
, timespecifier
or timespec
Exiting the LumiChat Program
Exiting the LumiChat program is simple. Simply enter bye
to exit.
Upon exiting, the program will save your Task List into a file in your device.
Loading and Saving
The LumiChat program loads and saves your Task List automatically, so there is no explicit way to freely load or save your file.
Loading is done once you start up the LumiChat program. The data from the task list file in your device is read to initialise your Task List from when you last saved.
If the task list file is corrupted, an option will be given to continue the program with a new empty Task List, or to abort the program.
Saving is only done upon exiting the LumiChat program. The current tasks in your Task List will be saved into a task list file in your device.
Should there be an unfortunate error in saving your Task List, an option will be given to continue to exit the program without saving your Task List, or to stay in the program (when you may then try to manually salvage the tasks in your Task List).
Date Time Formats
Any date time data that you provide has to adhere to certain formats pre-defined by the LumiChat program. Failure to do so will likely result in the program to be unable to recognise your input command, and a warning will be shown.
Instances when you may need to enter a date time will be when adding a Deadline or an Event task, or filtering the Task List by a time period.
Here are the following date time formats.
Date Formats
There are two types date formats allowed.
1. Words
You may enter only the following date words.
– represents the current datetomorrow
– represents the next dateyesterday
– represents the previous date
Note: All dates are taken with reference to the current date on your device.
2. Standard Date Format
This refers to the typical dates that are represented with numbers and delimiter symbols.
In this LumiChat program, dates should be in the order of day, month, then an optional year. If the year is not provided, the program will automatically assume it to be the current year. Also, the day, month and year should only be entered as numbers and not words (e.g. January is not accepted for the month attribute).
Regarding delimiters, the program will only consider /
and -
as valid delimiters for dates. Delimiters are optional and may be omitted provided you include the year of the date (e.g. 1/1/20, 1/1 and 010120 are accepted, but not 0101).
An exhaustive list of the standard date formats is given below for your reference.
dd/MM/yyyy, d/MM/yyyy, dd/M/yyyy, d/M/yyyy,
dd/MM/yy, d/MM/yy, dd/M/yy, d/M/yy,
dd/MM, d/MM, dd/M, d/M,
dd-MM-yyyy, d-MM-yyyy, dd-M-yyyy, d-M-yyyy,
dd-MM-yy, d-MM-yy, dd-M-yy, d-M-yy,
dd-MM, d-MM, dd-M, d-M,
ddMMyyyy, ddMMyy
Time Formats
The LumiChat program accepts most time formats that are represented with numbers, delimiter symbols and optional am-pm markers.
The time should be in the order of hour, then minute. The seconds attribute of time should not be given. The minute attribute must be a double digit (i.e. single digits must be padded with a 0 in front). The minute attribute is also optional, and should it be omitted, the LumiChat program will automatically set the minute to be 0. Both the 12-h format and the 24-h format are valid time formats for this program.
Regarding delimiters, the program will only consider :
and .
as valid delimiters for time. Delimiters are optional and may be omitted.
Lastly, the am-pm marker is an optional attribute, and should it be omitted, the LumiChat program will automatically assume the time to follow the 24-h format.
An exhaustive list of the time formats is given below for your reference.
h:mma, H:mma, H:mm,
h.mma, H.mma, H.mm,
hmma, Hmma, Hmm,
ha, Ha, H
Time Specifier Formats
The time specifier is used in conjunction with a date to define the time period to filter tasks in the Task List. The following words are considered valid time specifiers in the LumiChat program.
– on the specified dateafter
– after the specified datebefore
– before the specified date
The time specifier is optional and if omitted, is set to on